YYO Presents YYO PresentsAllYYO PresentsBBTV- HIGHLIGHTS @Shanghai Fashion Week 2018AWYYO PresentsBBTV- DESIGNERS INTERVIEW @Shanghai Fashion Week 2018AWYYO PresentsBBTV- MODELS INTERVIEW @Shanghai Fashion Week 2018AWYYO PresentsYou Are Beautiful – Exhibition 02YYO PresentsBBTV- 13D @Shanghai Fashion Week 2017AWYYO PresentsBBTV- CHERRY GUN @Shanghai Fashion Week 2017AWYYO PresentsYou Are Beautiful – Exhibition 01YYO PresentsHaiZhen Wang @London Fashion Week 2017AWYYO PresentsYYO FOUNDATION x SCF Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation DongHua UniversityYYO PresentsFASHION & MUSIC – 10 CORSO COMO NIGHTYYO PresentsMISSYSKINS FASHION SHOW @Shanghai Fashion Week 2015AWYYO PresentsCELIA B FASHION SHOW @Shanghai Fashion Week 2014AWYYO PresentsTUBE SHOWROOMYYO PresentsBBTV- HIGHLIGHTS @Shanghai Fashion Week 2017SSYYO Presents
YYO FOUNDATION x SCF Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation DongHua UniversityYYO Presents